The prices and other information stated for the products appearing on our websites may occasionally contain errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, including any price, description, image, or availability of a product. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, and to cancel any order containing a price or availability error, with no further obligation to you, including after you have submitted your order. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such prices and other information.
Our prices and promotions are subject to change. We cannot confirm the price or availability of a product until after you have placed your order. Our receipt of your order does not constitute our acceptance of the order or our confirmation of an offer to sell the product. We reserve the right to limit the quantity of any order and to refuse any orders above that limit. We provide discounts that may require verification of your discount status. We reserve the right to verify your status for the use of such discount codes. If we cannot verify eligibility for certain discounts we will cancel the order and credit any purchases back to your account.
Offer valid for 365 days from opt in. Email Sign-up and text alert offer valid online only at Purefishing.com. Limit one offer per customer. Excludes: out-of-stock merchandise, returns, taxes, prior purchases, gift cards, store credit, services and any Hardy or Greys branded products. Cannot be combined with other offers. No reproductions accepted. Entire order must be shipped to a single address and customer is responsible for all shipping costs for returned merchandise.
Current Promotions:
- 50% off select Fishing Line for a limited time offer while supplies last. Discount on promotional item(s) are automatically displayed. Item(s) will be shipped to the same address as your order. Some exclusions by break strength, length & color may apply. Not all sizes are included in promotional discount. Free Shipping on orders $50.00 and over. Discounts apply on www.berkley-fishing.com & www.purefishing.com