Hardy Ultradisc Cassette Fly Reel


Hardy set new standards in 2008 with the introduction of the first high-end cassette reel system seen on the market. This year, see that bar raised yet again with the all new Ultradisc cassette reel.

The all-new frame design allows significant weight saving and incorporates a built-in line guard design that effortlessly controls thin running lines. A full disc drag system provides ample stopping power with fine adjustment, and the large arbour polycarbonate spools result in rapid line recovery. Finally, the re-introduction of the much loved "CLS" locking system offers simple, fast, and reliable spool change time and time again.

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Reel Size

Line Rating

Reel Size

Reel sizes vary by manufacturer. To best understand the size of a spinning reel or casting reel, refer to the line capacity rating for the reel. Size standards are consistent across our reels.

Line Rating

The line test strength in which the rod is rated for.




  • Bar stock Aluminium frame and spool carrier
  • Durable polycarbonate spool
  • Our lightest high performance cassette reel
  • Full disc drag
  • Fast and durable spool locking sytem

Average Customer Ratings

Compare Hardy Ultradisc Cassette Fly Reel models

Model Number Color Reel Size Line Rating Drag Type Drag Material Max Drag lb Reel Handle Position Water Type Net Weight Sku
HRE40UDC Gun Metal Silver 4000 4 / 5 wt Disc Drag Rulon 2.5lb|1.13kg Right/Left Freshwater 6 oz|170 g 1542074
HRE60UDC Gun Metal Silver 6000 6 / 7 wt Disc Drag Rulon 3.5lb|1.58kg Right/Left Freshwater 6.3 oz|179 g 1542075
HRE70UDC Gun Metal Silver 7000 7 / 8 wt Disc Drag Rulon 3.5lb|1.58kg Right/Left Freshwater 6.6 oz|187 g 1542076
HRE90UDC Gun Metal Silver 9000 9 / 11 wt Disc Drag Rulon 6.5lb|2.94kg Right/Left Freshwater 7.7 oz|218 g 1542077
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